URDU 8 An Analytical Study of the Methodology of Haqqani Scholars in the Commentaries of Shamal Tirmidhi

فضلائے حقانیہ کی شروحاتِ شمائل ترمذی کے مناہج واسالیب کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • Muhammad Qasim PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan,
  • Karim Dad Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Abdul Wali KhanUniversity, Mardan


Shorooh, Shmael Tirmzy, Manahej


The services of JamiaHaqqaniaAkoraKhattak in Shamaa'il:Like the sayings, actions and speeches of Rasool-ullah SAW, his virtues, qualities and attributes are also sources of guidance for Muslims.  Imam Tirmidhi has written a book on Shamaa'il of the Rasool-ullah SAW entitled “Al-Shamaa'il al-Nabawiyyahwa al-Khasaa'il al-Mustafawiyyah” The book received extraordinary fame and appreciation. It is also included in the syllabus of Dars e Nizami which has been regularly taught in Madaaris e Deenia. It has also been interpreted and translated into Pashto. In its services of interpretation, the scholars from JamiaHaqqania, KPK, Pakistan have also taken part. Some of the translations and commentaries have already been published and some commentaries are still in the form of unpublished manuscripts lying to the authors, translators, counters or editors.  A brief introduction is given to the works of  eightFuzalaa-e-Karam of JamiaHaqqania, AkoraKhattak which they have written about the Shamaa'ilNabavi SAW. In addition to the introduction, the methodology of these books have also been mentioned and their analysis and commentary have also been done.  The service and the purpose of this research paper is to bring the services of the Fuzalaa-e-Karam of JamiaHaqqania in the field of hadith to the public and to show their status and position.

The services of JamiaHaqqaniaAkoraKhattak in Shamaa'il:Like the sayings, actions and speeches of Rasool-ullah SAW, his virtues, qualities and attributes are also sources of guidance for Muslims.  Imam Tirmidhi has written a book on Shamaa'il of the Rasool-ullah SAW entitled “Al-Shamaa'il al-Nabawiyyahwa al-Khasaa'il al-Mustafawiyyah” The book received extraordinary fame and appreciation. It is also included in the syllabus of Dars e Nizami which has been regularly taught in Madaaris e Deenia. It has also been interpreted and translated into Pashto. In its services of interpretation, the scholars from JamiaHaqqania, KPK, Pakistan have also taken part. Some of the translations and commentaries have already been published and some commentaries are still in the form of unpublished manuscripts lying to the authors, translators, counters or editors.  A brief introduction is given to the works of  eightFuzalaa-e-Karam of JamiaHaqqania, AkoraKhattak which they have written about the Shamaa'ilNabavi SAW. In addition to the introduction, the methodology of these books have also been mentioned and their analysis and commentary have also been done.  The service and the purpose of this research paper is to bring the services of the Fuzalaa-e-Karam of JamiaHaqqania in the field of hadith to the public and to show their status and position.



How to Cite

Qasim, M., & Dad, K. (2021). URDU 8 An Analytical Study of the Methodology of Haqqani Scholars in the Commentaries of Shamal Tirmidhi: فضلائے حقانیہ کی شروحاتِ شمائل ترمذی کے مناہج واسالیب کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ . The International Research Journal of Usooluddin , 5(1), 132-147. Retrieved from https://journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/88